
Für die Bewerbung als QA-Member müssen Sie einen Account haben
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Application as QA member

QA Member - Application

What does QA mean?
When manufacturing new Shelly devices and programming the associated firmware and software application, errors cannot be avoided. However, to significantly reduce the risk of a program crash or failure at the customer site, software and the Shelly device is tested by a Quality Assurance (QA) team prior to a release.

What is the role of a QA member?
A QA member's job depends on their technical understanding, skills and/or professional qualifications. However, the main task of the QA member is to increase the quality of Shelly firmware and application software "Shelly Cloud", which increases customer satisfaction as well as the stability and reliability of Shelly devices and application.
Likewise, the hardware, the technical function of the Shelly devices must be tested and evaluated. Here, too, malfunctions or even faulty designs cannot be ruled out.
The focus of QA members is to perform the testing as well as the related documentation of the failures for the Allterco development team.
This task requires a certain amount of technical know-how, depending on the size and complexity of the project.

Competencies of a QA member?
Technical understanding, resourcefulness and good communication skills are the basis for every QA member. QA members are at the same time users of the Shelly devices and customers of the manufacturer Allterco, they see the devices and the associated software from user level. In order to identify bugs, uncover improvement potentials, this advantage must be used. This is the only way to increase the usability and stability of Shelly devices, their firmware and application software and to ensure customer satisfaction.
Not every error is immediately reproducible, here is with knowledge, some ingenuity and if necessary with the help of the QA team to narrow down errors and document them as best as possible for the Allterco development team.

Selection of experience, skills and knowledge to a QA member:
- Min. 10 Shelly devices in use
- Experience in software development
- Experience with MQTT
- Experience with Home Assistant
- Experience with home automation platforms, such as OpenHab, Domoticz, ...
- Professional skills as an electrician
- Excellent knowledge with SmartHome and competitive devices.
- Understanding of electronics
- Skills in network infrastructure and management, ability to perform TCP dumps and understand results
- Soldering skills

What is offered and provided:
- 1-2 pieces of pre-production equipment
- Discount in the webshop (for personal use only!)
- 1-2 times per year a voucher (redeemable in the webshop)

Procedure of the tests:
- According to checklist for each (new) device or each new firmware
- Test also outside the checklist (!), documentation with e.g. Google Docs or similar
- Special report form in Allterco GitLab

Why do you want to become a QA member?
Describe here what makes you special, what skills and abilities you have and why it is important for you to become/be a member of the QA team.

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